Thursday, May 5, 2011

Peace. Passion. Prayer.

Considering  my unconventional style and approach to prayer, I was pretty clueless on how I was going to spend today "The National Day of Prayer".  Like any other day, I didn't wake up with a morning prayer and of course I forgot to pray before each meal. I have to wonder, did I fail at prayer day? Of course not.

You see I'm one of those forgetful people and I hate making plans or schedules.  God decided to accept me and love me for this so I just ask him to deal with my special prayer habits.  Basically I just pray like I tweet.  I'm random, inconsistent, sometimes funny and sometimes deep.  I pray all day every day.  God is always there so when I have a question I just ask and when I need help I just request some kind of answer to guide me in the right direction.

Patience and listening are two important parts of the prayer process that many people forget about.  Some people pray every day for the same thing and become frustrated when they don't get a direct answer in a timely manner.  I have come to realize that God gives the answer in crazy and quiet ways and he also has the best timing ever.  Being open minded is a huge part of the process as well.  If you are praying for one specific thing, God might answer that prayer but in a way that you were not expecting.  This happens to me a lot so I'm always on the look out for "God Answers" in every aspect of life. 

I'm not much for traditions and as you can see I'm a little crazy at my approach to serving God.  We each have our own individual relationship with him.  God appreciates my sense of humor.  He knows I'm crazy in love with him and the life he has provided for me.  He also knows I'm doing my very best to share his love with the world.  And for that, I think he appreciates my eccentric style and unique personality. 

My challenge for those who are reading this tonight or whenever is this. Pray right now even if it's just a sentence or thought in your mind that is directed to God.  Just think of it as a telepathic message you are sending up either thanking him, asking a question, or requesting help.  It doesn't have to be long or official. Example: "God, what's up. My life sucks. Can you help me figure it out?"

Peace and Hearts

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What is the Secret To Her Swag...I'm Just Being Kristin (Part 1)

I signed up for twitter maybe a year ago.  When I realized in November that it was a place for me to capture my thoughts, I started to use for my personal collection of Kristin-isms.  Here is the most recent collection of my favorite tweets from the past month.  I have more saved that I'm working on collecting for the next post. I have a mind that constantly thinks, creates, and questions life.  I love the art of expression and I love to share it.  Of course some of my secrets will always remain my own, but I hope you enjoy what I have decided to share so far.  I love life and I love you.

My passion gets me high.

Editing and upgrading this thing called my life.

Being a grownup is overrated.

Just being dumb. *blonde shrug*

I have this great idea. Let’s all love each other.

I like people to wonder why I’m still happy.

Life Motto: “I’m not ready yet”

The diversity of people on my timeline is a mere reflection of the diversity in my real life.

I’m sorry. You are not on my “To Do List” for today.

I’m the girl you’re not ready for yet.

You are confusing. I am unpredictable. Together we are in for a crazy surprise.

Great Lovers Think Alike

#becauseofmyex I know exactly what I want from my next.

#ileftyoubecause God told me you were not the one.

Look. Listen. Like. Love. Leave. Learn. Live. Laugh. Repeat.

I’m not looking. I’m living.

It’s so hard to find someone who wants to be independent and in a relationship. Not a lot of people understand this.

I believe in love at first lyric.

You will start to remember the moment I forget.

I can’t wait to live together. It’s going to be a permanent vacation.

I observe the smallest details. You have no idea.

My life is pretty damn ridiculous.

I think it’s really neat when people that you care about share a part of their world with you.

Plan less. Pray more.

If I was Cinderella I would have been too late to make it before the clock struck midnight.

I have to make fun of my life or I might go insane.

Weddings are just dress up parties with free alcohol.

I used to be this girl, now I’m this woman.

Please don’t waste your time trying to forget about me.

God put everything on this earth for us to use not abuse.

Sometimes I might not have a lot to say because I’m thinking it all out in my mind.

My feelings sometimes get hurt without me even realizing it until later.

People always want to place blame on each other when the fact is “It wasn’t meant to be”.

I might not know exactly what right looks like, but I have surely seen enough wrongs.

I’m not high maintenance. I was just taught to maintain high standards.

I might always be late but I have perfect timing.

People get so caught up with things they don’t need that they forget about the things we are given for free.

All these people waiting everyday for life to get better, I just live the better life every single day.

The fine art of being blonde. Play like you’re dumb as hell when you’re really smart as shit.

What he didn’t know is that I knew more than him.

My inner party will never die.

I am not afraid to express myself.

I party like a rock star and pray like a nun.

I paint pictures in my head and use words to describe what they look and feel like.

Sometimes the greatest pain we go through in life happens so we can later provide help to another #circleoflife

I define who I am. You either like it or leave it.

The ingredients for making dreams come true: imagination, strategy, hope and patience.

Feelings come and go but love should be unconditional <3

It takes just one song to change your life.

You would think by now I would have learned that getting ready sober is in my best interest. But this is life.

Many women tend to over think a situation. I prefer not to think at all.

Life isn’t supposed to make sense.

I wish everybody could be honest.

I love it when my mind slows down so I can elaborate on one great idea before jumping to another.

Watching American Idol is way too much of a commitment for me.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Passion: Do you ever just "flow"?

Have you ever caught yourself in some activity that you get extremely carried away with.  I once found myself in Sam's club reading books for like 3 hours.  I didn't even realize what had happened. They had a lot of books on religion, woman's Bible study, and a few journals that I ended up buying.  I had gone to Sam's club for dog bones and came out 3 hours later with three journals.  I couldn't believe that I had spent that time in there.  I literally had a Bible study in the middle of Sam's Club by myself.  I was in what I like to call "flow". 

"Flow" is when I get inspiration out of nowhere that just takes over my body and I end up reading, praying, and writing a lot.  There is no specific time that this happens.  It is completely random.  God's not on a particular schedule.  He makes up his own timing.  Once you decide to stop controlling your own life so much, you can link up with his timing and just "flow".

Peace and Hearts

Friday, March 18, 2011

I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.

Oprah Winfrey (1954 - ), O Magazine, September 2002

Thursday, March 10, 2011

We are too much fun to waste

Here it is....after too many forgotten quotes and deleted text messages, we now have a way to record and relive our famous quotes.

"The secret stories of a girl who had to get lost first so she could learn how to find peace, love, and true happiness" - Kristin

"A journey she never could have imagined brings her into the life she has always dreamed." - Kristin

"Anything and everything but perfect and normal." - Kristin

"Two blondes come up with the best ideas" - Kristin or Brandy

"When is she going to get a new car?...And a new hairstyle for that matter?" - Kristin

"...come live life...and be warm..." - Kristin (on moving to Cali with me)

"That's kind of HOT, in a dark way.........what?? - Kristin

Brandy: I can't wait to move to CA!
Kristin: What is it that made us this way, we are not satisfied living in VA and we just want a better life somewhere else. How did we get so different than all the other people here.
Brandy: Watching celebrities and other people living in fun places on TV.
Kristin: "For most people it was just watching television, but for me it was an advertisement for my future life”

Lori trying to understand how to translate Korean
Lori: So it's backwards from English right? It wouldn't be "Lets take a ride in the car" it would be
"Ride in a car, let's take a"

In NY Lori orders the two cheeseburger meal from McDonalds for lunch but saves one cheeseburger and puts it in her purse. Later that night Lori:
"I have a cheeseburger in my purse"

Kristin: Where is Cary?
Brandy: On the treadmill until May

While walking out of TC late on night Lori sees a pimped out Neon
Lori: "I like your caaarrrr!!!"
Jessica: "Lori, it was Neon!"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cabin Fever Activity List

Today is Day Two of Cabin Fever and I'm getting extremely restless.  My dog is driving me crazy and actually I'm driving myself crazy.  Here is a list of the things I have done to allow the time to go by:

1.    Sleep
2.    Nap
3.    Half-way Sleep (part-time dreaming/day dreaming)
4.    Drink Wine
5.    Watch a movie (until the cable went out)
6.    Watch TV
7.    Tweet my life away (normal activity and behavior)
8.    Facebook (Finally decided to get on a little more)
9.    Talk on the phone (until I lost signal)
10.   Listen to Music
11.   Ab workout
12.   Clean my Bathroom
13.   Played outside (until I almost got frostbite)
14.   Stalk people online (Yes everybody does it)
15.   Think about all the things I should be doing.

ALIBI:  Laundry!!!!!

And here is my To Do List which I failed to accomplish:

1.    Resume for a job that was emailed to me
3.    Start Packing for Move
4.    Start Clearing out my Work Computer before I leave
5.    Everything Important

Peace and Hearts

Thursday, January 27, 2011

26 Strange Fun Facts About Me

I don't know why I am in such a crazy mood today but I thought it would be fun to do this.  Here are 26 strange and crazy facts about myself.


1.    I love to eat olives by themselves. (black and green)

2.    I have $300 worth of scrapbooking supplies and I can't wait to start.

3.    Sometimes I feel like I never fit in with any of my high school or college friends even though I was pretty popular.  I was a cheerleader and in a sorority but maybe it was never really me.

4.    In high school I excelled in Math but I should have been taking Art and Drama. (thats what I love)

5.    I learned how to speak and read body language from my dog.

6.    When I get really mad or experience social overload, I just want to be alone with magazines, my computer, and wine. (even though I love people)

7.    I'm so outgoing and sociable but still think I'm somewhat of loner. (because I love being alone)

8.    I refuse to ever move in with a guy (boyfriend or husband) without having my own room!

9.    I won a spelling bee in 1st grade and was "perfect at spelling" and now I don't care.

10.  When I was in private school, the best day of my life was when I had to go to the principal's office.

11.  I am exactly 50% Mom and 50% Dad = 100% like my Brother (girl version)

12.  I'm looking for a guy that reminds me of my brother (personality)!  He is so AWESOME!

13.  I have been writing since I was little.  I used to make Art and Writing Journals.

14.  I still need to forgive my boyfriend in 9th grade for throwing away my diary.

15.  I just learned how to say NO about a year ago.  I was too nice.

16.  Me and my best friend from 5th grade just reconnected after 15 years and I can't wait to see her!

17.  I talk a lot about being single and loving it but I'm a hopeless romantic.  I'll never settle.

18.  I am not into traditions at all.  I take it back, I want to invent new ones.

19.  I used to be a stuck up snob, now I just love God, people, and nature.  God is awesome.

20.  My Dad is my superhero.  He is so smart, studies philosophy, religion and has been around the world and back again.  He has journals and books that he started writing and never finished.  My job is going to be to write his story one day.  He keeps telling me this indirectly.  His story is going to surpass anything that I have to write about, but I will be able to add my crazy twist.  I can't wait for this.

21.  My favorite childhood memory is playing Barbie's in my room all by myself.  I was acting out my future life.  Barbie could be anything and do anything. 

22.  My Mom was and is my best friend forever.

23.  I can remember the first time meeting every important person that is in my life.  God tells me something the first time I see them like "hey that person you will know forever" (crazy huh?)

24.  My dreams are sometimes premonitions.  This scared me at first since the first one was before the Virginia Tech shootings.  (I had to leave work that day, it affected me for like 2 weeks).  Now I have learned how to use my dreams to interpret what God wants me to do next.  I dreamed about a month ago about an empty apartment with boxes and I was going back to get my last few things.  Now I'm moving back home! 

25.  Psychic Ability - I have the 6th sense. I know what people are going to do or say before things happen.  If I talk or think about people hard enough, they sometimes even contact me when I haven't heard from them in a while.  I still second guess myself a lot, but 90% of the time I can think that something is going to happen and it does.  I guess I'm just that spiritual.......(who knows)

26.  When I meet people, I know right away if I will connect with them or not and I can read them really well.  I still second guess myself a lot and don't realize how right I am until I learn more about them.  But I am usually always right!  This is why I don't give people the option to get that close to me if I don't feel the immediate connect.  I call this "Instant Connect"

Any questions........

Peace and Hearts

Thursday, January 20, 2011

#RulesforMen and #RulesforWomen

The following list was inspired by today's trending topic #RulesforMen on Twitter.  One of my followers suggested that I post a blog with what I had written.  I had thought about doing the same thing and my follower just gave me the extra motivation I needed. Oh how I love Twitter. This list is not only just Rules for Men or Rules for Women.  These are my own personal standards in life that I practice following each day.

1. Be Spiritual. Believe in God. Have Faith.

2. Honesty. Trust. Integrity.

3. Love God. Love You. Love Family. Love Friends. Love Me.

4. Be Kind. Be Good.

5. Listen. Communicate. Feel.

6. Be Confident. Be Strong. Protect Me.

7. Teach Me. Learn From Me. Grow Together.

8. Be Humble. Give More. Take Less. Help Others.

9. Be Real. Be Unique. Be Different.

10. Have Passion. Reach Goals. Follow Dreams.

Peace & Hearts

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Ex-Personal Trainer

I made a discovery tonight! Well I guess I decided to finally admit this to myself and to the world (well those who read this). I subconsciously stopped working out because this is how my ex-fiance managed to manipulate me over five years ago.

I was this small-town girl that had joined the Army Reserves and had only been in for a year before getting deployed to Kuwait. I have been running and working out my whole life so of course the gym in Kuwait was where I would be every afternoon for two hours or more running, spin class, and doing all the "girl workouts".

He was an officer in the military ten years older than me that I had been introduced to only once by someone in my unit. There I was at the Ab bench doing my workout headphones on and oblivious to the world around me. He came over and started asking me if I had ever bench pressed before and then proceeded to lead me over to foreign free weight area of the gym which I was referred to as the "guy area of the gym". What was I to think. He was an officer in the army and I was a brand new Specialist. Illegal for this to be anything more than him just being a nice Army Officer interested in my well-being. He would be risking his whole career and getting kicked out the military if he was really trying to pursue anything more (or so I thought) He scheduled us to start working out 3 times a week and eventually I became his official gym buddy every day. Of course we didn't see each other at any other time.

For three months he taught me everything I needed to know about bodybuilding, sets, and the whole world of fitness before he started making his moves. He was making his moves the whole entire time. He skillfully learned everything about me through conversations and small-talk between sets. He even managed to have an ex-girlfriend appear at the gym one night and left to go watch a movie with her. Of course she was this cute little blond and so now I realize this was his game. I was obviously not into him until he had played ever single one of his tricks on me. What makes me angry and yes I am saying it angry is that he used his position in the military to initially lock me in.

I was a hardcore "workoutaholic" for years. When I got home from Kuwait I was in the gym for a least two hours a night running about 30 miles a week. And now five years later after all the drama, and a year after leaving him, why can't I love working out anymore and get motivated to be the "gym girl" again. Well tonight I started thinking about it while I was working out. When I work out, I start thinking about the manipulation, the lies, the games he played which all started with him becoming my unofficial personal trainer. Working out is what he used.

Now that I finally realize this and can admit it to myself, I can finally make the change. Wow, life is so crazy how we discover new things each day about why we do things. Now I am determined more than ever to beat this subconscious behavior and get myself back physically which would complete my goal to getting back to 100% Kristin. I think I might get a personal trainer at my gym and start over like I'm learning everything for the very first time. Or better yet, I'm going to do it alone and make it my own "fitness journey" since I already know exactly what to do.

I Heart the World (Turtles Too)

Be the change you want to see in the world -Mahatma Gandhi

To discover who we really are we have to look back to our childhood.  When we are young we are at our most pure and honest state of mind.  The world and society have not had too much influence on us and so we are who we really are.  

I must have been about 7-years old.  I'm not sure if we were still living with my grandparents or just going there every day after school for dinner.  I had made friends with a group of boys that would play together after school or after dinner and lived right down the street.  I made my way down there just about everyday and played outside riding bikes, basketball, or whatever else they were doing.

On this particular day as I skipped down the street about two houses down from my grandparents, I saw about three of them in a circle laughing as they were fascinated with something on the ground.  Just when I got close enough to see what was going on, my heart broke.  There was a turtle with its shell mutilated while they kicked it around on the pavement like a soccer ball.  There was no hope in saving it.  All I could do was speak my mind and tell them how awful they were for what they were doing before I ran back to my grandparents in tears.  I think I even tried to convince my mom to go tell their parents what they were doing.  And so that would be the end of my afternoon rendezvous with the neighborhood kids.  I would be perfectly content making mud pies on cement stones behind my grandparents garage using my imagination to discover a better world alone. 

And so what does this all mean.  Well that story and many more from my childhood prove to be the reasons why I am who I am today.  I love everybody in the world and pass no judgement.  My heart sinks to the ground every time I see people struggle with life, death, and pain. I want to listen, help, and support them in every way that I can.  I want to make a difference. I truly heart the world (turtles too).

Monday, January 17, 2011

3 Years Later -

This is going to be a short post but I feel so guilty for not writing in so long.  I promised myself I would keep up with my blogs and of course I haven't.  Here is the best part.  I'm still not going to have time because I am finally MOVING.

If you have read my "posts from the past" you will find out that I moved from Virginia to California and then ended up in Tulsa.  Well I moved away for two reasons.  First reason is I have always wanted to leave home and explore the world.  I just knew there was more to life than where I grew up and the state I lived in.  I wanted the experience of living in other places.  Second reason is I had someone ask me to marry them and wanted me to move out to California with him (my dream).  I don't think I ever really loved him (in love with him) but more the idea that he could show me a new world.  That great new world turned into a disaster.

I moved away from home in February 2008 and I have been single living on my own since February 2010.  Its time to go back home.  I have learned more about life, people, and relationships than I could have ever learned if I would have stayed at home those three years.  Although the journey was hard at times, I don't regret one minute of it because it has made me the person that I am today. 

I hope to update periodically on my move and how things are going once I get back home.  I plan to leave the last week in February so I have a lot of work to do.  Being a full-time procrastinator makes things even worse but I should get through it with the help of God and my wonderful family and friends. 

Peace and Hearts