Thursday, April 30, 2009


This post is an email that I wrote to one of my professors explaining my situation with work and the military so that I could request a later due date for my assignments. I decided to post this because it provides a detailed explanation of how my work environment was affecting other areas of my life.

Written November 27, 2007
The purpose of this email is to explain the reasons why I have not been active in the in conferences and discussion for the past few weeks. I would also like to request that I be granted an exception to your assignment acceptance policy based on the following information: I work in a dual status position with the United States Army Reserves as a Federal Government employee and as an Army Reserve Soldier. As a Unit Administrator, I act on behalf of the Commander throughout the week.

In the past month, this reserve unit has undergone transformation, reorganization, alert for mobilization, change in command, and last minute orders for a mandatory Soldier Readiness Processing. I have been solely responsible for planning, organizing, and informing Soldiers in Richmond, Virginia about these changes. I have been unable to access multiple databases, uninformed about changes from headquarters, and uninformed about the status of my position as we undergo these changes.

The past few weeks have been filled with last minute changes and miscommunication. Until last month, I have been able to submit discussions, reports, and assignments in a timely manner. For both the October and November military training weekends, the unit was planning to attend training in Pennsylvania, yet we had not received any guidance on orders or travel arrangements. We finally received orders on Friday afternoon for duty the next three days (October 27-29, 2007). This was the case again in November when we received orders in the late afternoon for duty that began the next day.

This has been an ongoing issue since the army reserve transformation began to affect my military and civilian job beginning October 1, 2007. I have communicated with my headquarters to inform them that these circumstances are negatively affecting my performance and health. I was on sick leave 19-20 November after returning from military duty performed 16-18 November in Pennsylvania. I scheduled an appointment with a counselor to discuss these issues and I am seeking guidance to find out my legal rights as a federal employee.

My supervisor recommended that I see a professional so that I could get documentation which would validate my reasons for transferring. The doctor gave me a two week medical note on Monday, 26 November, which restricts me from working until 14 Dec. She said that this will give me the time to search for a new position, finish up my courses this semester, and take time out for my personal needs which have been neglected in the past year. I will also be excused from the next military training in December (whenever that may be). This will allow me to focus on the assignments as well as the final exam.
The outcome of these events could possibly lead to a transfer within the federal government or my resignation due to an unhealthy work environment. I have worked hard this semester even under the constant pressures and worries of my full time job. I can provide you with orders, a Commander's letter, or anything else required in order for you to make a decision. Thank you.

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