Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kristin Close to Blackout

This master To Do List was an attempt to bring some order to my life. This is when I should have realized that my life needed to change. Just reading this list makes me stress out all over again.

Written September 27, 2007

1. Weekly conferences for Technical Writing course
2. Weekly conferences for Communication course
3. Check on my grade change from last semester – email professor to tell her about why the paper was submitted late (I sent to her email instead)
4. Find out if tuition was paid by army
5. Send tuition assistance office grades from last semester
6. Study for CLEP exam for information systems course (talk to Kiersten at work about the test)
7. Register for final exams (ask Mr. Neal about being the proctor)
8. Check to find out about final course COMM 495
9. Start looking into masters programs

1. Complete the UA basic course online
2. Fill out the application for UA basic course with Kiersten and Pam in October
3. Organize and clean out my 201 file, make a home copy of 201 file
4. Update government resume for three different government jobs: mobilization, atrrs operator, budget analyst
5. Email Mr. Sharky to fix military hours section of civilian LES so that I don’t lose hours 1 October.
6. Complete my own civilian evaluation (initial, annual, anything else I need for records.
7. Follow up with WLC wait status to find out who input the Nov. 3 class for me?
8. Update SGLV and DD 93.
9. Organize and file all civilian documents into my civilian work binder.
10. Complete online schools and training for civilian position so that I can put them on the resume.

1. Finish filing income taxes (find out why it won’t submit on turbotax)
2. Sort through all mail from the last 2 weeks to trash, shred, save, and reply.
3. Follow up with insurance claim that did not properly fix my car.
4. Make a dentist appointment with the new dentist or just go to the old dentist.
5. Doctor’s appointment October 2, DON’T FORGET
6. File all recent personal documents: insurance, banking, credit card statements.
7. Call T-mobile to get my phone and send back the broken phone.
8. Buy a plane ticket for Christmas in Colorado

1. Write a complaint to Delta to get a free ticket.
2. Write a complaint to T-mobile to ask for a free month of service.
3. Completely clean out car and trunk
4. Buy the mustang floor covers for my car.
5. Send Chanel sunglasses back to get fixed.
6. Make CDs for Clee
7. Organize all military clothing and records into one or two containers.
8. Sort through all clothing and jewelry to send to goodwill or sell in Cary town.
9. Completely clean out backyard shed to prepare for moving
10. Buy jewelry cleaner and organizer.(organizer for hanging necklaces)
11. Finish Lori’s scrapbook, start another scrapbook
12. Call to make a hair appointment with Stacey
13. Learn how to cook more things.
14. Read magazines that I have bought, shop online at Victoria secret for underwear, sephora for face blotting strips.
15. Start Christmas shopping early
16. Move to California with a job and be happy.

1. I don’t get to spend enough time talking to Clee on the phone.
2. I didn’t have the time to make Clee’s CDs
3. My first assignment was turned in 3 hours late.
4. I procrastinated with doing homework (which I’m trying not to do)
5. This week I haven’t been able to completely dedicate to the supply turn in (people talking about me, think I’m not working, etc.
6. Completely forgot that Mom invited me to Tom’s b-day party
7. I do not have the time that I want to work on finding a new job.
8, I hate that Clee is alone in CA and I want to live with him.
9. Being rude to my mom and hurting her feelings.
10. I always plan on buying Clee DVDs from best buy or circuit city, something for his apartment, a shirt I saw at Old Navy, and other fun gifts, but I never have the time to remember what I was thinking until sales are over.
11. My credit card debt
12. I still haven’t finished the book CrazyBusy since I have been home from vacation.
13. I missed my dentist appointment because I took the wrong turn and would have been late.
14. I missed my eyewear exam because I completely forgot since it was Monday morning.
15. Not making plans with my best friend like I promised before she left.
16. Always disappointing Clee by forgetting things that he has told me.
17. I totally screwed up my workouts and I don’t know where I will be at when I go back
18. Making Clee’s electricity bill double
19. Not writing or calling my Dad as much as I should.

1. Gaining weight and losing my tone because I haven’t been to the gym.
2. Having to go on the deployment with the 444th
3. If I am forced to go on the deployment, not being able to go to WLC and make E-6
4. If I go on the deployment, Clee will not be able to wait for me again. I will lose him forever after this.
5. If I am forced to go on the deployment, my career will suffer, school will be delayed, and I will lose touch with all friends again.
6. That one day I will just crash and fall into depression.

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