My Life List


Pray every day

Read the whole Bible

Go to church on Sunday (become a member)

Learn how to meditate

Visit the Holy Land

Form a prayer group

Forgive people from my past, overcome anger

Change somebody’s life

Be positive every day

Say no without feeling bad

Attend a Catholic Mass


Call my family more often

Stay in touch with old friends (email, call, myspace, facebook, etc)

Message all my friends on myspace, facebook

Meet someone new every day

Host a family reunion and maybe trip

Host a reunion with high school friends

Help organize 10-year reunion (October 2011)


Find my true love/soul mate

Get married

Never get divorced!!


Run 30 miles a week every week

Get back into lifting weights

Take a yoga class

Take a Pilate's class

Get back to my previous fitness level

Run a marathon

Run 2 miles in less than 14 minutes

Swim for a whole mile

Complete triathlon

Buy a bike and ride it

Go on a long hiking trip

Be a vegetarian for 1 month

Go 30 days with no soda

Go 30 days with no chocolate


Read 1 book each month

Start a blog

Write in a journal every day

Fill a journal with inspiring quotes, lyrics, images, and ideas

Write an article for a magazine or online

Write a book (published)

Become a freelance writer

Create a website

Build my daughter a hope chest

Make scrapbooks

Make Mom scrapbook or collage.

Learn how to sew (make a piece of clothing)

Take an art or craft class

Make a fashion journal (magazine pics)


Volunteer a few hours each month

Join at least 2 nonprofit organizations

Start a non-profit organization

Organize a charity fundraiser

Give up/dedicate a birthday or Christmas to charity


Go on a charity/volunteer vacation

Get coco (my dog) a work certificate

Rescue a dog


Learn CPR (get recertified)

Learn to drive a stick shift engine

Learn to play golf

Learn to play the guitar

Learn/Practice playing the piano again

Learn how to ski

Learn to snowboard

Learn to speak Spanish

Learn to speak another language (maybe Italian)

Learn how to cook (classes?)

Learn to surf

Learn to water ski

Complete my college degree (Finally finish the last COMM course

Complete Masters in Psychology or Religion

Teach a college class

Learn Spanish

Learn another language (Italian)

Get a great job

Change jobs until I'm completely happy

Start my own business/work for myself

Become an expert or teach a class


Take my mom on vacation to special place she has never been

Visit all 50 states

Live in another country

Travel or live in Europe (go back to Rome!)

Go to Disneyland

Go on a cruise

Be on Amazing Race! Send Application and find partner!

Swim with dolphins

Go scuba diving


Feed the sharks

Ride in a helicopter

Go white water rafting

Go skiing

Learn how to surf

Go up in a hot air balloon

Go sailing

Go camping

Climb a mountain

Ride a camel

Ride an elephant

Take horseback riding lessons; start riding again

Go to museums, art shows, etc more often

Attend a wine class, learn about wine

Go to drive in movie theatre

Go on a picnic


Go on a trip around-the-world

Go to Egypt

Go to Hawaii

Go to Ireland

Go to Italy

Go to London

Go to Niagara Falls

Go to Paris

Go to the Grand Canyon

See the aurora borealis

See the Great Wall of China

See the rain forest


Financial plan

Find a part time job (preferably from home)

Create a legit budget

Savings Account (Disaster/Accident covered for 6 months of no work)Savings Account – Travel/Adventure

Buy a dependable “Green” Car

Build a house (and actually keep it)

Build a log cabin or purchase a house on the beach

Buy a new good quality laptop (MAC)


Go deep sea fishing

Go hang gliding

Go to a NASCAR race

Go to a professional football game

Go to a professional baseball game.

Go to a professional basketball game

Go to a professional hockey game

Raft through the Grand Canyon


Take dancing lessons

Get a tattoo

Get my palm read (fortune teller)

Learn more about how to plants (how to plant and keep alive)

Get professional pictures taken

Learn how to change a tire

Meet the President

Go to Britney Spears concert

Get rid of clutter and only keep what matters most